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PGD - treatment

This involves testing the embryos prior to implantation for any genetic defects.

IVF - treatment

In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) / Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) IVF is a procedure where egg and sperm meet / fertilize outside the human body in a lab to form an embryo.…

IUI - treatment

IUI is a procedure in which a highly motile semen sample is placed into the uterus, as close to tubes as possible. This increases the chances of pregnancy. Sperms swim from the uterus to the tubes nearby and meet the egg in the tube to fertilize for a pregnancy.

Couple evaluation

A couple should meet an Infertility expert if they fail to conceive inspite of trying for 1 year. If the age of woman is > 35 years or there are…